West Haven School District - West Haven, Connecticut - Public School District
Phone - 203-937-4300
West Haven School District School District
25 Ogden StreetWest Haven, CT 6516-1800
County: New Haven
Mailing Address:
25 Ogden Street
West Haven, CT 6516-1800
West Haven, CT 6516-1800
Public Schools in This District
Alma E. Pagels School
Anna V. Molloy School
Clarence E. Thompson School
Edgar C. Stiles School
Edith E. Mackrille School
Forest School
Harry M. Bailey Middle School
May V. Carrigan Middle School
Savin Rock Community School
Seth G. Haley School
Washington School
West Haven High School
West Haven School Readiness Program
Anna V. Molloy School
Clarence E. Thompson School
Edgar C. Stiles School
Edith E. Mackrille School
Forest School
Harry M. Bailey Middle School
May V. Carrigan Middle School
Savin Rock Community School
Seth G. Haley School
Washington School
West Haven High School
West Haven School Readiness Program
West Haven School District School District Data
County of Location: | New Haven |
Number of Schools in This District: | 13 |
Student/Teacher ratio: | 13.6 |
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: | 7,177 |
Total Males: | 3,593 |
Total Females: | 3,541 |
American Indian Students: | 40 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders : | 241 |
African Americans: | 1,855 |
Hispanic: | 1,170 |
White: | 3,828 |
Total Staff: | 965 |
Fulltime Teachers: | 480 |
Ungraded Teachers: | 31 |
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: | 0 |
Kindergarten Teachers: | 20 |
Elementary Teachers: | 322 |
Secondary Teachers: | 107 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 4 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 6 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 10 |
LEA Administrators: | 16 |
School Administrators: | 20 |
LEA Admin Support Staff: | 21 |
School Admin Support Staff: | 32 |
Student Support Services Staff: | 45 |
Other Support Staff: | 215 |
Library Media Support Staff: | 3 |
Librarians Media Specialists: | 9 |
Instructional Aides - Total: | 113 |
Instructional Coordinators: | 2 |